LOT 84: Antiphonal. Graduale Romanum de Tempore, et Sanctis: ad normam Missalis ex decreto sacrosacti Concilii Tridentini restituti, S. Pii V. Pontificis Maximi jussu edi, Clementis VIII. ac Urbani VIII. auctoritate recogniti.
SOLD FOR £630 (INC.)

LOT 85: CLARENDON, Edward Hyde, Earl of (1609-1674). The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641. Oxford: at the Theater, 1707. 3 volumes. Engraved frontispiece portrait of Clarendon, repeated at the front of each volume, title vignettes, head- and tailpieces and initials. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with about 240 portraits, plates and maps, the majority mounted to size within gilt and wash frames. [8], xxiii, 557pp, [8], 581pp, [24], 603pp, [22]. With Gilbert BURNET (1643-1715). Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Time. London: 1724-1734. 2 volumes, 2. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with about 59 portraits and plates of medallions, most of the portraits mounted to size within gilt and wash borders. [14], 836pp, [22], 765pp. FIRST EDITION. Lowndes I, p.320. 2 works in 5 volumes.
SOLD FOR £8190 (INC.)

LOT 5: Bacon (Francis). Sylva Sylvarum: Or, a Naturall Historie in Ten Centuries.
Published after the authors death, by William Rawley. London: John Haviland for
William Lee, 1635. [24], 33, [1], 39-260, [28]; [4], 47, [3] pages, including engraved frontispiece portrait and additional title dated 1631; lacks final blank.
SOLD FOR £403 (INC.)

LOT 8: PLATO. Opera quae extant omnia. [Geneva]: Henricus Stephanus, 1578 [36], 542; [8], 992; [8], 416, 139 pages. Three uniform bindings. Henri Estienne’s monumental edition of Plato, the first complete edition, which for two centuries remained th indispensable instrument of Platonic studies, to this day its pagination is universally accepted as the standard system of reference to the text of Plato
SOLD FOR £4536 (INC.)

LOT 40: HIERONYMUS, Eusebius (Saint, 345?-420). Epistolae. With the tables of Theodorus v 1480 Lelius. Parma: [Printer of Hieronymus, 'Epistolae), I 18 January 1480; [I| 15 May 1480. 2 volumes. Collation: (Vol. I:) T° (t1 blank, 2r table, 75y pseudo-Casinensis Sebastianus, life of St Jerome); a b-1° m-z aa-dd® ee' (alr text, eev colophon, ee10 blank). 252 leaves (of 254, without the blanks). blank, 2r table); A-K" L-Z AA-KK° LL' MM-00* PP® (A1r text, PPor colophon, PP6v blank). 328 leaves (of 330, without the blanks). 53 lines. Types: 1:111R, Gk. 2-7 and 8- line initial spaces with printed guide letters.
SOLD FOR £5040 (INC.)

LOT 56: Ryd, Valerius Anshelm (c.1475-1546/47). Catalogus annorum et principium geminus ab homine conditio usque in presentem... 1540 annum. Folio. 6 prelim. & 68 numb. leaves. With different printer's marks on title and at end, and 139 smalle and larger woodcuts in the text (including repeats).
SOLD FOR £2772 (INC.)

LOT 65: Valturio, Roberto De Re Militari. Paris: Christian Wechel, 1535. Exceptional compendium of the latest techniques and devices for climbing walls, catapult missiles and to fortify Cities. The work of Valturio, a famous Italian engineer, marks the transition between medieval and Renaissance warfare, with the application of cannons and gunpowder. The text soon became a primary manual for Renaissance princes and military leaders: Leonardo Da Vinci, who according to Cockle (p. 134) appears to have drawn the illustrations in the work, made use of it while acting as chief engineer to Cesare Borgia.
SOLD FOR £2646 (INC.)

LOT 78: Valentini, Michael Bernhard Museum museorum, oder Vollständige Schau-Bühne aller Materialien und Specereyen [...] aus andern Material-Kunst und Naturalien Kammern Oost und West-Indischen Reisbeschreibungen. (Francfort, Zunner, 1714) Extensive work about the products of that time, especially tea, coffee, cacao, choclate, silk etc. Furthermore about exotic plants, animals, scientific instruments, diving-bell, Laterna Magica, air-ship, divining rod, telescope, air-pump etc. Describes also museums of curiosities, their collections and their localities.
SOLD FOR £1701 (INC.)

LOT 102: Marino Barlezio. Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi. Rome: [Bernardinus de Vitalibus, c. 1508] [4], clix. FIRST EDITION of Marius Barletius's account of the 15th century Albanian national hero. Title in red and black, within animated woodcut border.
SOLD FOR £5040 (INC.)

LOT 116: Jan de Bisschop (circa 1628-1671) Paradigmata Graphices Variorum Artificum and Signorum Veterum Icones (1671) Two title plates and set of 57 and 100 respectively (the set of 57 after Caracci, Cigoli, Domenichino, Michelangelo, Salviati, Vasari and others)all with numbers, fine to good impressions, with wide margins.
SOLD FOR £2016 (INC.)
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